Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kitchen Island re-do

It's all done and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. 

This is what I started with - it was fine white but my cabinets are a glazed cream color and the white just wasn't doing it for me. And it just seemed...a bit too...old school maybe. But you know - for something I bought at a garage sale 10 years ago - it's been great. It just needed a make-over!
I wanted a very dark brown - almost black - but I couldn't find that exact color. SO what's a girl to do? Improvise!
Here's what I did. I lightly sanded it down to "rough" it up a bit. 
After that I went over it in spots with a brick red color so that later when I sanded the edges I would get a hint of the red and the white. I like layers!

so then I went over the whole thing in a flat black

And then I went over all of it in a dark, chocolate brown - and got this.

It is the exact color I wanted. I also sprayed some brushed nickel on the knobs and voila - new, old kitchen island that cost me NADA. I already owned everything I used. 

I like that it is a darker color compared to my cabinets. And I feel like it grounds the space more too.

To review - front side

from the side - before

From behind 
after - I added a chalkboard :) 
I love that too. And so does the 3 yr old!

Thanks for looking!

I'm linkin up!



  1. So excellent! I love the addition of the chalkboard. That was an unexpected surprise! But so cool for kids. The color is great; you did a really good job!


  2. That's such a cool transformation. I love the chalk board. You probably already know this (though just incase you don't it's a neat tip) a good way to keep it looking black is to wipe it down with cola every once in a while.

  3. Thanks you guys!
    Kristine - I didn't know that - cola - like just come coke? Wipe it down with what - like a paper towel with coke on it? I had no idea! Thx!!!

  4. Wow! You've been busy (send some of that energy my way, please!)

    The island looks great! Great job blending the colors. It turned out perfect!
